Skandagiri, also known as Kalavara Durga, is a mountain fortress located approximately 62 km from Bangalore city, and 3…
So, here I am back with another experience to share after a long time. And this time it's about a…
Have you ever heard or experienced about a Beach Trek? Yes or No, let us know in the comments below.…
There is so much to be said about mountains, and there are so many people who have beautifully put into…
‘In each walk with nature, one receives way more than he seeks’. this can be my trekking expertise that i would like to share and invite all to hitch the hand with…
Everybody got excited as Gaurav raps some of his favorite tracks. It is always a great time with adventuresome, wherever…
Are you tired of partying in clubs and sitting in your couch with beer and always looking at your never…
Benefits of Trekking So why do people go for treks? Why do they risk their lives to conquer a never-seen-before… Have you ever heard of this place called NAGALA, Nagalapuram- nested in between hills, near Tirupathi? It is a…