Top 10 Countries to Travel after Coronavirus

Hello Travelers, I hope this article finds you in good health, physically and mentally. Funny how coronavirus has made us all start conversations with such concern and empathy now! I know the current situation isn’t ideal for travel, and you all are sitting at home hoping that this will pass! And it will, you will…


How Coronavirus Affects the Travel and Tourism Industry

Do you ever have this weird nightmare that the entire world is stricken by a global pandemic, the stock market crashes and entire cities are locked down and you want to go out but you can’t even if you want to because you don’t want to potentially infect your parents so you just remain sad,…

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Women on Adventure – An Adventure To Remember

Just like any ‘modern woman’ I also want to travel,experiment and discover the world as well as myself and be a women on adventure. Also just like any other ‘modern woman’ I am also extremely busy being an employee, girlfriend, sister, daughter, friend and what not. I have been trying to take a vacation for…

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DO’s and DONT’s for Women Travelling Solo

It’s 2019, and women are breaking taboos and reaching new milestones everyday. More and more women have discovered the excitement and adventures of traveling solo! And don’t all of us want to be Rani from Queen and go on a self embarking journey? However, the world still isn’t a hundred percent safe for the womankind…


How to reach Dudhsagar Waterfalls

Located near Goa, the four step waterfall of Dudhsagar is one of the major attractions of South India. The trek to Dudhsagar is an unforgettable experience and definitely a must try for anyone! Adventuresome presents this comprehensive guide on how to reach Dudhsagar Waterfalls. However, since it is in a remote area reaching it requires…

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A Trip to remember : Gokarna

The Beginning We started our journey on a Friday night around 11 pm. And even though it was a time when most people choose to sleep, our group was up and geared up for what was lying in the two days ahead of us. We spent the night listening to music, sharing fun experiences and…


Everything you need to know about travel hashtags on Instagram.

Hello, fellow travel bloggers, photographers and travellers.  Instagram has enabled content creators from every genre to use its platform as a way to gain recognition and build a following for themselves and their talent, however every content creator or blogger has one question on their mind “how do I compete with the ever growing number…


A Trip to Udupi

Udupi If I had to describe the experience of going on a trip to Udupi, I wouldsay “it is a simplified and a peaceful version of Goa”. It is perfectfor a weekend getaway from Bangalore. Being a coastal area, summers arehumid and hot in Udupi so I suggest visiting the place in the winters,i.e between…


You have read it all! Stay tuned for more!

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